'Everybody sees how you seem; however, only some know who you are'

Friday, August 17, 2007

"The Monday-Meal"

Plain and simple meal it was. Everyone got to the house after uni ended at 11am and I set off to cooking while the rest did last minute tute work before their respective tute classes. lol. I sure didn't know people did tute work on the day of the tute itself. Well, now i know. =D

So yeh, some of them were doing work, while some were fooling around and some were helping me prepare. Chicken wasn't really enough, and since I already mentioned how it shrunk after cleaning them of fat, after cooking them, they shrunk even more. Broccoli wasn't really enough either as 2 extra peeps joined us that day. Plates weren't enough as well (don't blame me ya..! When I moved into this apmt, there were only 7 plates provided) so bowls had to be used. Lol.

Was it a success?? I really don't know. Why dont you tell me. =)

Luckily there was joanne and may to help grill..or was it fry?..the chicken. Didn't think bout how long it would take to actually cook 8 pieces of chicken.. But managed to get everything done in less than an hour. Or was it?

Whew. Was such an experience. If i had tried doing that all alone, it would have been hectic preparing for so many ppl. But guess it was a good experience. You learn as you grow. Lol.

Thanks to those who helped out here and there; especially the clean up! Damn. Totally forgot to take a picture of jason washing up all the plates. Such an angel. hahahaa..! Hardly ever see guys doing the dishes. heh. And shi wei cleaned the whole stove. wow. Everyone was so cooperative and helpful, it almost felt as if we were in the midst of a 'gotong-royong'. hahahaah!

guys foolin' around in my room...now i wonder if they opened my wardrobe in my absence..

the ''homeworkers''

the cooks and the intruder in white. lol

the try-hard look alike chicken chop meal. hahahaa..wat a disaster. The best looking ones are the 2 plates from the left. They were all supposed to look like that but unfortunately, we ran out of ingredients

us girls

what gender is this...?

all that was left of us

oooh yeh. Totally forgot to mention how sweet the guys were (dont get big-headed after reading this okayyy....!!). lol. I had my personal msg on msn as a complaint and jason asked me about it so I told him all about the hours it took to clean the chicken up! At first he laughed and nearly made me 'angry'. I was almost gonna say "You dare laugh some more..?!!" but before I could, he offered to come over to help and thanked/apologized a couple times. LOL. Then there was sung. He happened to read my blog (my complaining in the previous post) and actually called me up to ask if i needed help! Awwww. I was so.. "moved". AHhahaa.. Soo sincere. Gosh. =)

So yeh, that's about it for the meal.

Whose turn to cook next?!!?


viv said...

nice to have couple of nice people know u...

I am viv.. from India..

looks like i'd like to know u.. your view..?!?

Lin said...

Hey Jenniferrrrr!!!
hahaha~ It's good to hear that the monday meal went well for u!! ;) Now u've experienced what it's like to cook for people =P
congrats congrats that it went great! =D when's my turn?? (i mean, to eat what u cook)

jennifer said...

viv: hey, nice to know other ppl actually drop by to read my page..lol! what do you mean by your view tho...??

ee lin: hahaha..yknow what, when i read i thought you were asking when's yr turn to cook!! I was taken aback. THen i read the brackets. Chehhhh. Surprised me for awhile askin when's yr turn (to cook). hahahahaa. Name a day and time and i'll cook for you!! =D And im not sure if it actually went great cos there was food shortage and sooo improper!!!! hahaahaa

Lin said...

HAHAHAHAHA~ i knew u would misinterpret it so i included the brackets =P
no worries...it'd be only me so no food shortage! *giggles*

jennifer said...

haaha yaa.. when you wanna eat tell me ;)