Then i'll be crying tears of joy when all my pain & suffering for at least 8 months would be over.
Oh, how i cant wait!
In the meanwhile, my brain is starting to abandon me. I'm supposed to be giving my all for my last paper but it seems Brain isn't listening to the commands of its Master.
I started to lose concentration last night when i was supposed to finish off the remaining 3 chapters...Instead of finishing them 3 I only managed to finish 1 -_- Then I couldnt sit still any longer although i knew i had 2 more chapters to go thru. SO then, I had to force myself to get up at 6am today to complete my task.
Yes. 6am.
............................................*wows to herself & pats herself on the back*
It's still sucky though. 6.45am - 11am. About FOUR freakin hours to finish 2 chapters!!!! My brain was seriously lagging, taking everything in SO damn slowly & daydreaming in between..otherwise I could have gotten my stuff done at bout 10 maybe??! I seriously hope i rmb everything that i've studied!!!
ARGH! Stupid Brain!! ='( ..for saying this i hope it doesn't rebel against me when i'm sitting for my paper tomorrow... it better not.
sigh. Look at that THICK accounting textbook & how much I gotta study... =(
yeh. I was studying! At least...trying to?? Nah, there's a word for's called MULTI-TASKING! If you're wondering what a piece-o-paper is doing on my lamp, it's cos it gets too bright for my eyes when i turn it on, so i just block off the bright light & direct it onto my books instead of my eyes. Innovative huh? tee-hee! just goes to show how handy a camera can be! When you lose concentration, take some pictures!! Never said it'll help you get back to studying though....
ALrightY. It's time to hit the books again!
20 more hours!!! Or since time has passed while blogging this entry, i'll make it 19 hours 30 minutes more!!
as Usual Jenn the acc whizz!! hahaha..but didn't know u were so scientific too!! the paper and lamp thing! arent u glad u dont have to see that thick book again next a weapon!
as Usual Jenn the acc whizz!! hahaha..but didn't know u were so scientific too!! the paper and lamp thing! arent u glad u dont have to see that thick book again next a weapon!
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