'Everybody sees how you seem; however, only some know who you are'

Thursday, October 30, 2008


No, i dont mean that KFC twister.


I simply CANNOT stand people who twist their words around..

Whether it being
  • twisting their facts around to add extra "stuff" into the story even if those things are untrue;
  • twisting their words and trying to beat around the bush to get away with some lame excuse;
  • twisting what they said around after they've personally realised they're wrong/dont make sense yet they don't want to be wrong; or
  • twisting everything into another whole different meaning just so they can be right - even though they started off with some other meaning (well, basically almost the same as previous point)

It is HELL annoying.

Too bad i know a few people who are actually "twisters". Sigh.

But then 'patience is a virtue', so it gives me a chance to at least work on that.


prasana@poel said...

woah ! hahhah i never knew there were so many ways to twist .....

Genova said...

u still look the same. no changes

jennifer said...

pras: hahaha thru experience. im sure you do know a few. =P

genova: i think you'd come across my "comment" on your blog by now. heee.